
Here are three more pieces of Kohistani embroidery from my collection. The square piece I bought in Kabul in 1974 and it was probably used to cover flat bread and keep the flies off. The other two pieces were originally a single pillow cover. I found them in a bazaar in the Swat Valley in 1983. I have no idea of their exact ages, but they were old when I found them. My best guess would… Read More

Kohistani Embroidery – silk on cotton; 76cm x 76cm – Late 19th Century This is the first piece of Afghan embroidery that I ever bought … and it turned out to be from the Swat Valley in Northern Pakistan. I shared a house with some friends in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1972 -73. Across the street lived the famed German carpet and textile expert, Thomas Knorr and his wife Undine. His 1973 textile… Read More